Perez hilton om Adam tensta


Tänk att den "stora" och kända Perez hilton har skrivit om Adam Tensta som är från lilla sverige!
Sjukt bra ju nu har han värsta chansen att slå ut utomlands!

Detta skrev han om Adam:

Kanye is gonna love this shit!

He'll be mentioning this on his blog by the end of next week. Watch.

This fella's name is Adam Tensta, and he is one of the freshest and illest rappers on the planet.

And he's from Sweden! Though he raps in English.

Tensta's beats are dope as shiz and he's rhyming about things other than the cliches in American hip hop: hos and cash.

CLICK HERE to enjoy his instantly infectious My Cool.

Then click here to listen to some other songs from Adam Tensta!

Posted: January 26, 2008 at 6:41 pm

Postat av: Tu Madre

Ja, det där inlägget läste jag, fast det var länge sen :)

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